“Womb of Joy” (Sold)


“Warrior Woman”, 30x20cm.  Water Colour Original artwork available. Special discount for multiple purchases on any “Yogaflows Art” originals or prints..

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“Womb of Joy” SOLD, water colour 30x20cm. Inspired by figurative abstract, vibrant colours, energy of yogasana (yoga poses) and spontaneous sketching during live yoga classes. 2003-2004. Many came tumbling out and were named “Yogaflows Art” This series of 9 water colours were  painted during a quiet afternoon yoga, meditation and pranayama retreat with the great yogi and teacher Clive Sheridan. at The Barfoot Barn in Devon..A beautiful yogini who was pregnant, and was attending the retreat, modified nearly all the practices, as she was in her last trimester.  She was the main “model” who inspired this series of water colours.  She loved them so much, she asked for a few to place in her nursery, which I gratefully sent her.



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Giclée Print, MATT High Quality Photo Print, GLOSS High Quality Photo Print


A4 Giclée Print, A4 MATT High Quality Photo Print, A4 GLOSS High Quality Photo Print


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