“Whirling” (Private Collection)


Whirling (Private Collection) 45 x 30cm
Oil on canvas,  brush and palette knife (2018).



The 3rd in the Sufi Collection Trilogy.  The Sufis presenting at the National Gallery, London, wore black robes and red or ochre-coloured “fez-like” tall hats.  When they “whirl/dance” they wear the traditional cream/white robes. Both male and female danced.  When I began painting this work, I started with a pale blue for the robes.  I applied a lot of paint with the palette knife, and I knew it didn’t work.  I erased it all and began again.  Cream/White was demanded!  And so it was.  All three paintings are in a private collection at my brother’s place in France.  He has always been very interested in Sufism, has studied it and loves and appreciates this type of art.  He is delighted! And I too, knowing they have good homes and can be appreciated during his periods of meditation and Qi Gong retreats they hold at Tourne.



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Giclée Print, MATT High Quality Photo Print, GLOSS High Quality Photo Print, Canvas Print A4, Canvas Print A3


A4 Giclée Print, A3 Giclée Print, A4 High Quality Photo Print, A3 High Quality Photo Print, Canvas Print A4, Canvas Print A3


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