Information on Canvas, Giclée Prints and More

Renée with a commission of “La Loge” after Renoir. Renée painting outdoors.

Renée’s artwork for sale as follows:

Original artwork , if still available on canvas and/or boards.
Stretched Canvas prints from original artworks.
printed onto bright 400gsm cotton. A4 or A3 sizes.
hand-stretched on heavy-duty 4cm-deep stretcher.
High quality Giclée prints from original artworks. A4 or A3 sizes .
A digital printing process in which an ink-jet printer is used
to produce a high-quality 310gsm art print.
A heavy-duty paper with a textured finish,
a velvety matt surface, and a warm white hue,
with traits of a traditional artist board
which reproduces paintings superbly.
High quality matt or gloss photo print
on 300gsm card A4 or A3 sizes.
Custom Sizes available : please  contact Mohini
Special discounts offered for multiple purchases
Paintings can be reserved with an initial deposit.

Sizes : A4 –
                 A3 –